Save costs by investing in superior filtration

In the hydraulic market it is an accepted fact that poor fluid condition causes 80% of all hydraulic failures. This is the result of the presence of solid particles such as metal, sand, rubber and water in oil.

Mainstream filters are incapable of removing the smallest particles, smaller than 2 micron (better known as silt); most of the silt remains in the system and affects the chemical composition of the oil.

The presence of free water contributes to the deterioration of the oil. The combination of water and small copper particles will also create a catalytic effect which can shorten oil life considerably.

All these problems lead to reduced oil usage life and increase component wear, maintenance cost and machine down time. Removing silt and preventing the formation of free water can combat these problems and reduce the operating cost.

Investing in RMF systems superior filtration will not only have a positive effect on the operation, the life and the reliability of your hydraulic system but will also reduce your maintenance costs drastically.

Read the complete white paper on Saving costs by investing in superior filtration.

Curious to know how much you can save?
Contact us or call +31 180 62 13 13.