Solid particles
Solid contamination is an insoluble contamination type that won’t dissolve in oil or other liquids. Solid particles like metal, sand and rubber can be recognised by:
- The presence of contamination in the tank
- Damaged seals
- Clogged valves
- Accelerated oil oxidation and deterioration
Solid contamination can cause the following problems: abrasion, erosion, adhesion, fatigue and silting.
Abrasion occurs when a large solid contamination particle gets stuck between two moving components and digs itself into one of them, scratching and damaging the surface of both moving components.
Effects of abrasive wear are dimensional changes to system, valve leakage and lower system efficiency.
Components typical subject to abrasion: journal bearings and hydraulic components like pump, motor, spool valves and cylinders.
Erosion occurs when particles impact and damage the component surfaces by removing material.
Effects of erosive wear are dimensional changes to system, valve leakage and dysfunctional valves or nozzle spray pattern.
Components typical subject to erosion : pump, valves (servo, proportional, directional) and nozzles.
Adhesion occurs when the oil film thickness decreases to a point that metal-to-metal contact starts occurring, resulting in surface weld and shear.
Effects of adhesive wear are valve leakage , lower system efficiency and component breakdown.
Components typical subject to adhesion: hydraulic cylinders, ball and journal bearings.
Fatigue occurs when solid particles get stuck and repeatedly dent the component’s surface, resulting in surface cracking and damage. Due to fatigue the particle will get released to start damaging another part of the system.
Effects fatigue wear are leakage, deterioration of component surface and cracking of component surface.
Components typical subject to fatigue wear: journal, hydrostatic and rolling element bearings, geared system.
Silting occurs when solid particles build-up in the hydraulic system.
Effects of silting are clogged valves, slow response and instability, spool jamming/stiction, solenoid burnout and impacts heat transfer characteristics.
Components typical subject to silting: valves (servo, proportional, directional), heat exchangers and cylinders.
Do you want to prevent solid particles from entering your systems and / or remove solid particles from your oil?
Check out the RMF product finder, call +31 180 62 13 13 or contact us.